Email Marketing: How to Increase Your Open Rate With 300% If You Consider 4 Methods

Why use email marketing?

Simple - it is the most intimate form of communication with customers or potential customers online.

Many articles and books say that email marketing strategy is no longer used, but you don't have to take them into account. From experience we know that this marketing method works. And still very well. But with one condition - the email automation campaign must be done correctly.

First of all, the subject of the email must be a good one. If it is not written in an attractive and compelling enough way, the open rate of the email drops dramatically.

How do you write a subject line that increases your chances of an email being opened by 300%.

1. Presents an urgency in the subject

urgency in the subject

Set a deadline for the offer you are submitting - and make sure you specify it in the subject line of the email. Or, another option is to specify a stock that is about to be sold out.

"Last 10 Cashmere Dresses on Sale"

"You have 5 days until the Online Marketing course expires."

2. You have to arouse curiosity

Curiosity arousal

Yes, it's often hard to do that. I know.

Even though I've been trying to write engaging headlines for more than 3 years, I often end up at a dead end. But curiosity makes the difference between a good email subject and the spam newsletter you get every day. If you're in a panic for ideas and don't know where to start with a headline, you can take inspiration from what 12 example title that attract.

3. Present the offer from the subject

offer in topic

You and I like things that are exact. So the audience appreciates it if you present something concrete from the start. So, try from the subject of the email to specify the most important benefit of your product or service. Whether it's a discount, or the product has something unique that other products don't - it's good to specify it in the subject line.

"Take advantage of 25% discount on fall clothing promotion."

4. Speak in a distinct voice

speaks distinctly

We talk to humans, not robots.

Try to use natural language in the subject line of the email and later in the content. As I mentioned above, people are tired of the robotic newsletters they receive every day. So choose to strive to formulate in a less robotic language the information you will send in your email marketing campaign.

Another thing to mention is to use reasons to respond to the audience. Why they should do an action, what benefits it brings them. And more importantly - what happens if they don't.

Do this repeatedly in your email but always use other forms, use synonyms or different comparisons. Make sure you do it in a nice way!

Email Marketing Done Right

Okay, good. We've discussed all this, but I still haven't told you how long an email should be.

Depends on the product. If you have a technologically sophisticated product, the written information may be longer. Or choose to present the benefits in the email and with a strategically placed link send the customer or potential customer to a sales page on the website, where the information is explained in more detail.

Try to centre the text in the email, use wide margins and limit yourself to 55-60 characters per line.

You make your work easier if you use email automation software - Mailchimp.

I hope the information I have presented will be useful to you and help you create the best email marketing campaigns!

Do you think other people you know would benefit from the information provided in it?

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